Sunday, August 17, 2014

Project 2:Illusion By Light -Task 1

Idea Board-Design developement
In project 2 task 1 ,we were required to represent our ideas and development for light fitting on a A2 square board .We had to state the concept from project 1 that we wish to interpret.

Here are some of my sketches and concept model for my idea board.

Mock up model to show rough appearance and form of my abstract lighting 

Rough composition of my idea board

Idea board-Delicate Articulated Lighting

Write Up

My design intention is to convert my abstract model into an abstract indoor lighting (lamp).I will apply my main 3 core ideas which are Endless Space,Space linked by common space and Space planning according to time on my abstract lighting.The shape and form of my abstract  lighting will be in a dynamic form and flexible .The bigger piece of generic geometry will be the center and other elements will create a force towards the center.Smaller mobius modules linked one another to create a bigger path that will become the paramater of the abstract .My  concept for endless space is all elements in water tube started to split and transform into web structure.The elements in web structure will link to each other to form endless space/chain. For the spaces linked by common space,the metal structure of abstract model also transform and split into 2 spiral structures in different level of height to represent the first floor and second floor of mobius house are linked by one common space.  For space planning according to time ,the elements in colour sheets in abstratc model will split and become a structure and attach to web structure to show day time and night time.My inspirations are Articulated Composition and  dynamic form of DNA. When I display my lighting, the light bulb will create shadow casting from bottom to the ceiling and also to the surrounding area to show every single detail of my lighting by playing with the shadow pattern.

Dynamic DNA
Add caption
Spider Web Structure

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