Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Degree Sem 2-Project 1

Project 1 -Task 2

In task 2,we have to  figure out 3 main core ideas and do interpretation on our analysis and convert into abstract model.

Before I proceed to the phase of doing model,I had sketched some of my ideas about the the way to apply my understanding of mobius house on my abstract model.

My final abstract model!

My explanation of my abstract model.

Write Up
My first idea is Endless circulation.As the model shown above,I had put some balls into the water tube and twisted it with 180 degree to show the shape and form of  mobius band.After that ,I moved and rotated the model to let the balls flow in the water tube .The balls represented the elements in mobius band and it flowed by follow the shaped of mobius.My second idea is Space linked by common space.I linked the metal sheets together with different level of height to show  that the first floor and second floor of mobius house are linked and connected to a large common space and in linear way.My third idea is Orientaion of house according to time.Ben Van Berkel did space planning of mobius house according to the  activities that clients do at different time. Different colour of rigid sheet showed day and night of a day .The way I composed the orientation of my model is referring to the orientation ,form and shape of mobius house.

    The video of my presentation.

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