Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Degree Sem1-Project 2

Project 2B:Abstract model

In project 2B,we had to convert our abstract drawing into 3D model,which using the materials that we bought from junk yard.
Trip to junk yard.Spent RM30 on junk....Anyway,it was a unforgettable moment and experience to look for appropriate materials to make our model.Appreciate those happy moments with friends.

Material-Metal strip

Mock up model 1
Mock up model 2
Final model
My abstract model which converted from drawing.Do they look alike? 

My friends,Harry and Hui Ing also applied the phrase of Curving linear on their model.No matter what result we get,good job anyway  !

Degree Sem1 life-Project 2

Project 2A:Abstract Rendition
In project 2A,we were required to convert our sketching in project 1 into abstract drawing on a canvas according to the phrase which given by lecturers.My phrase if Curving linear.
The form of abstract drawing is up to our creativity and the most importantly, our drawing must contain strong organization of form and ordering principles which applied in project 1A.

Mock up drawing.The concept and idea is shown in my description .
My final drawing.My friend CCP said that it could be a tattoo design  but to me,it looks like an Alien bird...LOL
Stay over the night to render  my drawing until 7.00 am.However,I love the outcome of my drawing.=D

Degree Sem 1 life-Project 1

Project 1:Value of observing

On 21/1/2014,our design studio went to KLCC to do live sketch and analysis on drawing that we drew.Our drawing must include one organization of form and 3 ordering principles.
Sketched at playground under super hot sun and chased away by security guard.

Analysis that I did on my drawing.
Organization of form-Linear
Ordering principles-Symmetry

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Story before degree life: Life of foundation in architectural studies!

Foundation of architectural studies was an amazing experience  to me and it is also a starting point of my architecture life .Let me share  some of my works in my foundation year!
Abstract 3D model -Foundation Sem 2

Final project --3D Serial Plane model-Foundation Sem 2
Presentation -Foundation Sem 2

7 Cubes-Foundation Sem 3
Final project--Resting place-Foundation Sem 3

Throughout the foundation of architectural studies, I had learned a lot of knowledges about building design, building construction ,structure ,technical drawing  and blablabla....I also learned how to apply those knowledges on my design to create my own structure.
A thousand thanks to those who help me when I was stucked in getting idea for my design ....=)