Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Project 3 -Task 3-Final presentation board and model

Biomimetic Hyper Retreat is a retreat house which combine the concept of of ecosystem level of biomimetic architecture and parametric mathematical calculation of hyperbody form.The circulation,ventilation system and space planning of biomimetic hyper retreat were inspired by the structure system of termite mound .Three main spaces provide oppurtunity for visitors to gather and spend their time with each other but yet they only shared certain moment.The spaces planning of termite mound was applied  on biomimetic hyper retreat which the main spaces of the house were arranged separately by following the section and function of the site.

The Biomimetic Hyper Retreat was split into 3 main spaces,semi private space,fully private space and fully opened space.Due to the  retreat house was built at the site of waterfall,visitor could enjoy the power the nature.For example,visitors could go to the bed room by using hanging staircase but they also can choose to have party and play at the platform which located at the bottom of waterfall by using steel bridge .

Project 3-Task 2-Idea board

Task 2-After group assignment,I have to show my ideas inspired from the insect architecture and the 3 core ideas from project 1 precedent study.

Idea board

Idea board which inspired by termite mound

The concept of space planning of my design  was inspired by 2 streams of architecture-Biomimetic architecture and Hyperbody.The biomimetic architecture can be categorized into 3 levels- Ecosystem level, organism level and  behaviour level.The termite mound is categorized as Ecosystem level. Hyperbody apply the concept of parametric which mean every architecture elements and components must obey rules of Ruled surface Mathematics,overall shapes can still be free,concave ,convex ,flexible and curvy.Parametric theory was applied on calculating the overall dimension and shape of my structure.The points on every highest part of termite mound connected to each other and forn a irregular  geometrical shape.

The concept model which inspired by my idea board.The 3 main spaces are linked and connected by a common path from top until bottom.The irregular and geometrical shapes were produced by the calculation method of hyperbola formula,markov number and triangular hyperbola.

Project 3-Task 2

In task 2,we have to  analyze the design principles that are seen in the insect architecture .

Analysis board 2

Organization of form-linear.The spaces are linked by a common path vertically to the top of chimney in linear way.The additive and subtractive  transformation were applied on the form of the termite mound.The wall and structure of termite mound was erected above ground level and all chambers were built under ground level by subtracting the soil .The ordering principles of termite mound are hierachy and repitition .For example,the form and shape of termite mound is unique and outstanding on a flat ground and the chambers are consisted of repetitive irregular geometrical shapes.The space planning of termite mound is multi function and each spaces are linked to each other.The unique and outstading space is located at the most bottom of the ground. 

Project 3-Task 1

Project 3-Nature 's retreat

Nature abounds with structures built by animals other than humans or animal architecture as it is commonly termed,such as termite mounds,wasp,and bee hives,burrow complexes of rodents ,beaver dams ,elaborate nest of birds and web of spiders.
 In project 3 task 1,we are going to design a retreat in FRIM inspired by an insect architecture and the 3 core ideas in project 1.

Task 1 :Insect architecture inspiration

My group member ,Keith and decide to choose Termite Mound as our case study of insect architecture.In task 1 ,we have to do analysis and explore the architectural details and information of termite mound.

Termites are a group of eusocial insetc  that were classified at the taxanomic   of order Isoptera ), but are now accepted as the infraorder  Isoptera, of the cockroach order blattodea[ While termites are commonly known, especially in Australia , as "white ants," they are not closely related to the ants.As eusocial insects, termites live in colonies that, at maturity, number from several hundred to several million individuals. Termites communicate during a variety of behavioral activities with signals. Colonies use decentralised, self organised systems of activity guided by swarm iintelligence  which exploit food sources and environments unavailable to any single insect acting alone. A typical colony contains nymphs (semimature young), workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals of both sexes, sometimes containing several egg-laying queens.

The ventilation system is very important to termite mound.The air penetrate into termite mound through the thin wall which made of dung and saliva of termite and exhale from the chimney which is located above ground level,which is similar to human 's lung system.
 The circulation of termite mound is linked by a common path linearly to the top of chimney.The chambers are linked and connected by a common chain which can provide a pathway to termite to move to other chambers.
The special chamber is in located at deep bottom of ground level,which is royal chamber  .Royal chamber  is the largest palace for king and queen termite to live.The fungi chamber is located above the  royal chamber.The fuction of the fungi chamber is to take care and rise baby termite.